

FEAR Like so many other people, I procrastinate.  I have a fairly good work ethic, so why do I do it? I am convinced that it is because of fear. I am afraid of failure.  But, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The voices of toxic people in our lives, past or present, can harm us.  They have told us we are unworthy in so many ways, even by smearing our reputations with others, so they turn against us, as well.  If you don't feel up to the task, and feel you will fail, anyway, it really does feel as though it would be easier and less painful to just not try. The thing is that they were /are lying to you!  The things they say have been carefully crafted, or merely thrown up against the wall to see if they stick.  They are trying to get a reaction out of you.  They will gauge your reactions to see what elicits different responses, just as they gathered information from you during your honeymoon stage of friendship-information to later use agai...
Naviguer parmi les étoiles Chaque fois que quelque chose me passionne, je le compare à voler. Chanter, c'est comme voler. Prendre mes photos seul dans la campagne française est comme voler.  Je me sens libre, explorant la beauté qui m'entoure dans ses petits et grands détails, à la manière d'un chroniqueur déterminé à préserver chaque image précieuse, à chaque instant, pour ne jamais la laisser glisser dans le noir. Seul avec mes propres pensées et celles de personne, découvrir le jeu du mouvement, la lumière et la couleur dans les feuilles, les fleurs et les herbes, c'est comme voler. Ils m'appellent pour abandonner ma lourdeur et mes regrets et venir jouer avec eux. Loin des bruits, des distractions et des jugements des autres, je ris à voix haute, témérairement et sans scrupule, attrape mon pare-soleil et ma caméra et je m'éveille enfin! Ce matin, autour d'un café, je me suis demandé: "Pourquoi est-il si important de voler?" Pourq...

To fly

STARSAILING Whenever something thrills me, I compare it to flying. Singing is like Flying. Taking my photos alone in the countryside is like flying.  I feel free, exploring the beauty around me in its large and small details, like a chronicler determined to preserve each precious picture, each moment, for always-to never let it slip away, unsung, into the darkness.  Alone with my own thoughts, and no one else's, discovering the play of movement, light and color in the leaves, flowers and grasses is like flying.  They call me to abandon my heaviness and regret and come play with them.  Far from the noise, distractions and the judgments of others, I laugh carelessly, recklessly and shamelessly out loud, grab my sun visor and camera and I finally SOAR! This morning, over coffee, I asked myself, 'What about flying is so important?'  Why does my dream of being able to soar high above the city crowd or open landscape feel like the very essence of being free?...